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Last Stop in Canada!


We had two separate trips to Gore Bay, before and after our son and daughter-in-law's visit. When we first arrived in Gore Bay, we were literally piped in by a man further down the docks playing his bag pipes. We had heard this previously in The Pool at the end of Baie Fine and it was such a treat! As we docked, we were greeted by old friends from our home town of London, Jeff and Marie from SV Senicio. They came back for dock tails and a great visit before they left the next day.

Gore Bay is a great place to provision, and get things done. Both Cam and Frodo managed to get hair cuts! Heather went to the grocery store and she recognized someone she suspected was a boater from the marina. She thought Heather looked even more familiar and then the lights went on. Heather and Janet were friends in high school and hadn't seen each other for over 30 years. We had such a great visit with them later that night. And the bagpipes that we heard in The Pool and when we arrived in Gore Bay, were played by her husband! As it turned out, we had run into each other three times before we recognized each other!

After our visit with our kids, we spent another couple of days in Gore Bay waiting for favourable weather to travel to Drummond Island. We enjoyed the Street Market in town and even bought a couple of treasures!

Cam noticed some black soot around our port engine and a noise and decided that we needed a belt change. The regular mechanic at the marina was off sick, but the owner of Canadian Yacht Charters said that we could use their mechanic to change the belt. Fortunately, we had some in stock. The mechanic was great and even took the time to show Cam how to do it. We ended up having both belts changed and Cam did the second.

There were lots of loopers at the marina so Heather, and Jim from JEMA, reached out to invite everyone to the gazebo for Dock Tails. This was the most Loopers we had met so far, from eight boats in total! We continue to meet many of these Loopers in our travels.

On our last day, we went to the Art Gallery, the Split Rail Brewery Company, and Finnia Chocolates, where Heather had a Vegan Fudgesicle! Yummy! In the afternoon, we put Frodo in a basket and biked to the lighthouse. For dinner, we ate everything we couldn't bring into the United States! Finally, on our bedtime walk with Frodo, we met the crew of "Currently" from Chattanooga, and ended up travelling with them the next day, and they have become good friends.


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