Our Travel Stats
This was formerly called "Our Plan" but we have crossed our wake!

The Great Loop can be started and finished anywhere along the loop. For us it started and finished in Penetanguishene, Ontario on Georgian Bay. The waterways that we covered are listed below with stats for each. Note that some travel days (days actually underway) overlap, meaning that we may have travelled several miles on both the Mississippi and the Ohio Rivers in one day and we generally attributed that to the waterway where we started. Additionally, when travel overlaps waterways, the mileage is attributed to to the starting waterway as we record our mileage daily. So our statistics are not precise for each waterway, but they are close enough for you to get an idea.
Other Interesting Stats
We've collected lots of data along the way and hopefully you will find some of it useful. Remember that we did two side trips which accounted for 1052 NM, 34 travel days, and 78 days total. Also, our vessel has twin (2) Diesel Cummins 330 HP Engines.
Diesel: 4513.54 US Gallons (17,151 Litres)
Dinghy Gas: 40.1 US Gallons (152.39 Litres)
Engine Hours: 735.41
Average Daily Distance: 36 NM (41.4 SM, 66.7 KM)
Maximum Distance Travelled: 149.3 NM (Gulf of Mexico Crossing)
Minimum Distance Travelled: 1 NM (Switched Marinas)
Total Days on the Loop: 387 days
Total Travel Days: 161 days
Marina Stays: 237 days (Averaged cost $2.45 per foot)
Mooring Balls: 23 days
Free Docks: 47 days
Anchored: 80 days